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Matteo and Ale 2 Butch Dixon

Matteo and Ale 2 Butch Dixon

Tats, toys, gear and a lot of ass play! When Ale comes to visit, he always brings new gear. We're more than happy with black leather & steel, but Ale's colourful pig-play gear's a welcome change now and then. Pig play is Ale's specialty & Matteo loves his sex good and sleazy, so I knew this one would shoot itself. Matteo is as hairy, sexy and horny as ever and if his perma-stiff dick wasn't enough he's brought his evil 'raven tail', an arse -ripping double ended dildo, that loosens Ale Tedesco's infamous arse in preparation for a good, hard dicking. Nobody loves cock like Ale Tedesco, this truly anally obsessed slut really can't stuff enough man-meat into his hole. We do our damnedest to satisfy him, Matteo's using every trick at his disposal, but Ale wants more more more,. He pushes back to take every inch of Matteo's manhood inside him, Matteo thrusts into Ale, smashing his hips into Ale's ass cheeks until his cum filled balls are bursting. Title: Matteo Valentine and Ale Tedesco
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