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The Anchor Hotel Sc 4 Kristen Bjorn

The Anchor Hotel Sc 4 Kristen Bjorn

Hunky Latino sailor Antonio DiMarco spots gorgeous Mateo Torres (aka Sergio Soldi) and Andres Navarro strolling across the port. He follows them into a secluded building, only to discover that he has walked into a temple of some kind of voodoo sex cult. There is a large crowd of men present, half of whom are each called upon by the priest to either suck a dick or lick an ass in the name of an African god. When Antonio comes forth, the ritual turns into a frenzy, as the group of men pulls his clothes off, and every hard dick in the place is set free. A marathon of sucking terminates as an ocean of cum is spewed by the dozen or so dicks present. This then turns into a triathlon of fucking, as the group splinters off, and the men plow their dicks into every hole within reach. The cumshots in this scene are countless, as man after man blows his wad on top of other men. Title: The Anchor Hotel Scene 4.
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