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Mystery Men Sc 3 Kristen Bjorn

Mystery Men Sc 3 Kristen Bjorn

Sylvio receives an envelop with the symbol of love on it. Inside, there is an invitation to a mascarade ball. When Sylvio arrives, he sees Armando slip through a doorway. When Sylvio follows him, he is accosted by a group of five men who are totally naked, except for nasks, and the symbolic medallions. The five men (Rogerio Peixoto, Antonio Morais, Jose Gomez, Valerio Fernandes, and Sergio Valentino) take control of Sylvio and start with a six man suck-fest, which terminates only after each man has shot his wad. Sylvio is then carried off by the men, and lowered onto Valerio's huge cock, and joisted up and down until his load is forced out of him. The other men follow suit by spilling their loads on top of Sylvio. As the fuck-fest progresses, each man removes his mask, and two more loads of cum are shot by each of the six men. Title: Mystery Men - Scene 3.
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  Title: Mystery Men Sc 3 Kristen Bjorn

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