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Jungle Heat Sc 3 Kristen Bjorn

Jungle Heat Sc 3 Kristen Bjorn

On a banana plantation, hot and muscular Marcos Teixeira, Ruben Omar, Airton Silveira, and Alair Souza take a break from gathering fruit, and carve holes into the banana trees with their machetes. Alair and Airton then proceed to fuck the soft tree trunks, while the other encourage them. This leads to a cock suck fest, in which the studs suck hot loads out of each others dicks. Later, Alair fucks the cum out of Airton, while Ruben plows a loads out of Marcos, making both tops shoot their own wads in the process. The muscle men then form a suck ladder, and manage to extract yet another round of cum-shots from one another. Title: Jungle Heat - Scene 3.
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