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Dean and Saxon World of Men

Dean and Saxon World of Men

Standing outside in his shorts smoking, Saxon has his hands in his pocket, nursing a semi. Dean walks past, asking for a cigarette, Saxon offers and the pair walk off together, talking about where they are from Saxon gets to his house, offering his new friend in for the pair head inside to continue getting to know each other. Sat on the sofa the pair kiss and strip each other down, Dean working his mouth on model ones cocks the whole time. Returning the favour, Saxon drops to his knees and works on Dean, working his cock hard in his mouth. Deans cock is soon solid and so is Saxon as Dean bends him over the end of the sofa to eat his ass. Dean, who is a self-confessed power bottom, gets his wish for a dominant play mate, Saxon uses Deans hole like it is going out of fashion, bent over the sofa, sat riding him whichever way he fucks him it is always hard, fast and balls deep. Both guys shoot huge loads, leaving Dean a very satisfied, dominated bottom! Dean Wyatt and Saxon West Smoking Fags, Inhaling Cock, And Taking It Up The Ass.
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