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Wolf and Dirk Clip World of Men

Wolf and Dirk Clip World of Men

Night in Berlin, Wolf is on his way back to his hotel but he decides to check the area of Tiergarten that was marked in a magazine as a cruising ground. The rain must have kept most of the guys away, but he's seen movement and he decides to wait under a tree. Not much time passes before Dirk walks by, stops and reaches for Wolf's cock. They kiss and exchange blowjobs in the dark, mere metres away from the main road and Wolf end up getting a thick load shot right on his face. Wolf still needs to shoot his load and he's not gonna let go the blond hunk so easily. He takes him back to his hotel and they start all over again. Wolf if first to suck cock, but he took Dirk back because he wants to fuck him. So they play around and taste each other a while longer, swapping blowjobs and rimming before Wolf fucks Dirk on his back and keeps fucking him until he unloads all over his chest and Wolf shoots on Dirk's face. Wolf Wagner and Dirk Berger Nighttime Cruising In Berlin.
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