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New York Teaser Ext World of Men

New York Teaser Ext World of Men

Ah New York, home of the Great White Way, Times Square and hundreds of delicious gay men ready to eat you up! We have been dying to visit the Big Apple for ages and we finally got a chance to visit and cruise the hot spots for hungry, horny locals itching to fuck the fresh faced newcummers! We met scads of amazing boys including first timer Dean Wyatt, just off the bus and ready to become a star; Antton Harri and Saxon West hooked up in brazen New York fashion and showed us how Americans can do it nasty and dirty. We also met JR Bronson and Jay Black for an unbelievable scene. We're keeping touch with these lads and hoping to crash with them on our next trip to Manhattan! New York Teaser Trailer The Men Of New York, Teaser Trailer.
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