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Butch Grand and Carioca Extended World of Men

Butch Grand and Carioca Extended World of Men

Hairy hunk Butch teams up with the gorgeously mixed race Carioca in an intense session! Carioca's huge dick wins the day as Butch can't get enough of it! His buff, hair covered body begs for it inside him, getting face fucked and trying to swallow it down to the hilt! Exploring Butch's ass, Carioca spends ages spitting, licking and fingering that hairy hole, tasting as much as he can before that mighty meat is ploughed deep into it, fucking him into the sofa and opening up his butt, the ceaseless fucking gives one of the best times either have had, and watching Carioca's defined body flex with each thrust is unbelievably horny! Original Title: Butch Grand and Carioca
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