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Adam Dacre Alpha Male Fuckers

Adam Dacre Alpha Male Fuckers

The customer arrives home and the job still isn't done, Adam's still on-site and working out how to get this fixed ASAP, but it's even harder to focus when the suited customer keeps out the way in the bedroom, laptop on and porn blaring from the speakers! It's too much for Adam to miss on, so he rock solid and playing with himself as he spies on the self-pleasure before him. Adam's thick, curved dick looking perfect as he pulls and slaps it against himself, lubing it up with gallons of spit, making it glisten in the light. His hard pecs and hairy chest heaving as he brings himself closer to orgasm, bucking his hips into his own hands, he catches his cum to avoid detection and a very slippy floor! Full Title: Adam Dacre.
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