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Greg and Issack World of Men

Greg and Issack World of Men

Ceaselessly horny, Greg is on the hunt for cock once again, and meets tattooed stud Issack in the tunnels. With a proud dick, and an eagerness to chew on his nipples, Frank stops dead in his tracks and gets his tasty dick sucked on, swapping over and making his soon to be bottom lad rock hard and glistening with spit. Cut to a chamber, and Issack is flat on his back, legs in the air, letting Greg do as he wishes with his smooth hole, spitting and munching on it then sitting on his face getting his own ass ready for action. Pulling Issack's ass over his waiting dick, Greg gets deeper than ever inside this eager bottom man, abusing that hole in multiple positions to feel it wrap slowly around the pulsating shaft. Full Title: Greg David and Issack Hardcastle.
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