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Max and Jessie Alpha Male Fuckers

Max and Jessie Alpha Male Fuckers

Handsome fucker Jessie Colter is back and our ever present cameraman has a hot surprise waiting for him by the pool. Heading straight over there for some action, Jessie stands behind him giving his big shoulder muscles a rubdown, touching and feeling Max's muscled body in the process and getting a real boner in his shorts. Poking Max from behind, he gets the ides and leans round to have his mouth filled with meat. Sliding as much down his throat as he can, the sun on their already tanned skin is a pleasure to behold as well as their furry bodies and tattooed torsos. Hungry for more dick, Jessie leans back in the chair, Max propping his legs to gain full access to that perfect ass of his and sliding all the way in and out, owning Jessie's ass for as long as he can hold off spunking, eventually unable to keep going, Max empties his dick all over Jessie's heaving, sweating body, the spunk evaporating from them as they chill out to catch the last of the day's sunshine. Full Title: Max Dunhill and Jessie Colter.
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