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Tom Neris World of Men

Tom Neris World of Men

We spotted him tanning on the rocks in Greece, during a recent holiday. His body was glistening with sweat, his cock soft on his stomach. I watched him from above, and he must have sensed that because not long after I saw his cock twitching. I kept watching and it kept growing. He started stroking his meat, a thick, long shaft topped with an uncut juicy head. We went down and sat in front of him, watching, filming, and enjoying the show he was providing. A couple more guys noticed us but watched from afar. Tom kept tugging his meat, aware of being the center of attention and working himself to release his aching balls. His load mixed with the sweat that had pooled on his stomach. There was only one thing left to do. Jump in the cool sea. Full Title: Tom Neris.
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