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Creamy POV Staxus

Creamy POV Staxus

New boy, Rokas Zilina, is very much the star of the show here, though to be perfectly truthful he's the only star of the show! Unless, of course, you count Denis Reed's cock as being a character in its own right, given that that's the only part of Reed that we actually get to see - with the exception of a few brief glimpses of the fellow's hands from time to time. For the entire performance is (again) filmed in a "Point-Of-View" style, with Reed initially firing questions across at Zilina, before the two fellows head off to a nearby apartment for a more intimate tê,te-à,-tê,te. Needless to say, it doesn't take very long before such intimacy is translated into the removal of Zilina's clothes, which in turn gives Reed the perfect opportunity to unleash his own upturned butt-picker and to gamely thrust the monster into the youngster's mouth. An act that immediately gains Zilina's clear approval, as he slurps and feasts on the fabulous length of cock like it was his life's mission. Soon it's pretty obvious that the young lad's purpose isn't restricted to just a blow-job - as pleasurable as that clearly is given the groans of satisfaction coming from behind the camera! No, this pert little twink won't be happy until he's given that oversized schlong the ride of its life - initially cowboy-style, then on his back. Finally, having squirted his own wad (and with his arse raised to the camera), the youngster takes Reed's dick up to the root and allows the fellow to cream his hole. All captured in full-on, close-up detail that leaves nothing to the imagination! You have been warned! Featuring Denis Reed, Rokas Zilina.
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