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Crime Scene Investigation Staxus

Crime Scene Investigation Staxus

There's no escaping the long, strong arm of the law - as young, baby-faced Eric Franke discovers when crack police-officers Sven Laarson and Andy Fisher hunt the blond beauty down in the depths of some Czech basement. What crime he's committed is never actually revealed, but unless you're some highly-paid barrister it's unlikely you're ever gonna care. What will concern you, however, is the fact that the sweet-looking twink is then taken back to a nearby apartment and subjected to a totally degrading (and fucking hot!) personal assault - the like of which way too many of us have probably fantasised about when faced with fellows in uniform. Hand-cuffed and gagged, with his legs parted and his ass-hole fully exposed, Franke finds himself no match to his assailant's onslaught, which includes having a truncheon thrust into his rear, before both Laarson and Fisher take it in turn to bang the living daylights out of that cute, highly-charged fuck-hole. It's a display that will almost certainly bring even the most world-weary porn-lover to the edge of a tight-fisted climax, but matters get even more intense when the three fellow engage in a daisy-chain fuck, before Laarson and Fisher reach the point of no return and conclude their afternoon's work by spewing (big time!) all over Franke's face. That only leaves Franke with the pleasure of rupturing his own balls courtesy of a last-minute jerk-off - a fitting multi-spurt eruption to accompany your own satisfying wad! Featuring Andy Fisher (aka Tyler Fox), Erik Franke, Sven Laarson.
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