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Horny Interracial DP Staxus

Horny Interracial DP Staxus

Sometimes a young man just can't make up his mind, particularly when confronted by two guys as different as Aslan Brutti, a handsome white Czech boy, and Tyler Johnson, a muscular black Frenchman. So it's really no great surprise when Johny Cruz, a cute, dark-haired twink, decides to partake in a bit of rampant fun with the pair of hyper-horny fuckers simultaneously. Fortunately for this bright beauty, one thing his two new pals do have in common - apart from the fact that both of them possess smooth, hairless crotches - is that they're each as horny as fuck and only too eager and willing to give Cruz the kind of anal bombardment that dreams are made of! Cue a total slut-fest that sees all three lads gag on each other's cocks and generally act like back-street whores, before Cruz first sits on Brutti's oversized knob-end and then Johnson delivers a double-penetrating rear-guard action with his thick, upturned dick. It's sweet agony all the way for the young pup, concluded by a delicious sequence of facial eruptions that sees his chin splattered in jizz whilst he himself knocks out a generous wad of his own. In short, sticky fun for everyone!
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