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Get Dominican Dick Staxus

Get Dominican Dick Staxus

It's pretty obvious from the off that the ever-horny Johny Cruz has a certain soft spot for Lloyd Goldwyn - or maybe a hard spot would be a better description? - but it's not exactly difficult to appreciate why. Particularly when the two fellows head inside after a poolside massage session and quickly engage in some clearly much-needed "getting to know you" time. Which in this instance involves heavy smooching and (in Cruz's case at least) whipping that monster dick of Goldwyn's out into the open. Indeed, let's not beat about the bush here, whilst the native Dominican is far from being an unattractive guy, it's the oversized ramrod that he keeps stuffed inside his trunks that is by far his most noteworthy feature. A fact that obviously hasn't escaped the attention of his over-sexed German companion, who immediately knuckles down to the task of feasting on every fabulous inch that his crotch has to offer. Indeed, if you were going to define cock-worship then Cruz's adoration of Goldwyn's butt-picker would arguably be a very demonstrative definition. The boy quite literally makes that fat, engorged shaft the centre of his universe, teasing and caressing every last centimetre of man-flesh that Goldwyn has to offer, and it comes as no surprise whatsoever when he tops the said adoration off by eagerly parting his legs and taking every butt-bustin' thrust that the stud can offer. No question about it, this is a truly stupendous performance from a lad who has already proved his worth countless times over, culminating in him working every last drop from the black beast and lapping up all the sweet, sticky goo in the process. In short, five stars all round! Featuring Johny Cruz, Lloyd Goldwyn.
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