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Pool Party Pass Arounds Part 2 Men Over 30

Pool Party Pass Arounds Part 2 Men Over 30

Trey and Dimitri finally come back to the pool party and every one knows exactly what they were up too. After a few details about the hot encounter Braxton brags to Alessio and Trey that his ass is way better than Dimitri's. They don't believe him so Alessio with Trey's help lift him out of the water and pull his trunks down to check out that ass and sure enough it's a hot bum. Braxton's ass may look good but the real question is how it feels wrapped around a hard cock. Alessio and Trey take Braxton back into the house where they undress and face dive into Braxton's ass. Alessio and Trey take turns rimming that round soft ass. Braxton ass is extremely lubed up with all the saliva they are dishing out on his tight butt so Alessio spreads his cheeks wide and pushes his rock hard dick deep inside. Braxton gasps for air only to find Trey's cock going into his mouth as he gets tag teamed by both of them. They take turns fucking that ass until he can't take it anymore and ends up shooting his load with the rest of the guys. Featuring Trey Turner, Alessio Romero, Braxton Smith.
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