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Wolf Rayet Butch Dixon

Wolf Rayet Butch Dixon

Sexy, young Italian Wolf Rayet -- brand spanking new, revved up and ready to show. Nobody makes foreskins like the Italians, so we're eager to show this beauty off with lots of fingering under that moist helmet-hugger. Wolf likes huge cocks but we wanted to show that magnificent puckering, stretching, dick-milking arse in all its pink, wet glory with a transparent dildo, this stud is eager to impress and dildos that hole into a real gaping, ragged glory hole. Then he jacks that veiny, uncircumcised cock until he's squirting his load right up to his face and over his own beard. He's highly sexed exhibitionist with a ripped body, hairy arse and big, uncut dick, you'll be seeing him again -- next time with someone elses cum all over his face!
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