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Alessandro and John Butch Dixon

Alessandro and John Butch Dixon

I couldn't wait to get my trembling hands on these two hunks, Alessandro del Torro and John Shields, together at last. Alessandro is a solid hunk of hairy manhood with a thick cock, (that I could suck on all afternoon), John is a surly, stud with a stiff cock and a hungry hole that he desperately needed filling with hot meat. Both guys have been abstaining for days so when they get together -- its furry fireworks! Alessandro and John get straight down to snuffling through the man fur, sucking dick, licking out each others sweaty holes and armpits before plunging onto each others rock hard cock. John offers up his muscle rump and Alessandro is more than happy to fill it with his uncut dick. If you like 'hairy men you'll be in piggy heaven with these two strapping, beefy dudes. Full video title: Alessandro Del Toro and John Shield.
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