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Leon James Butch Dixon

Leon James Butch Dixon

Straight off the bus, this stunningly sexy mix of Arabic and Spanish makes the perfect hairy otter, straight as an arrow, never got off with a guy so don't bother asking! But, he doesn't mind if you watch. A warm hand for Leon James, thick, veiny, long, dick with an even longer foreskin, untrimmed, unshaven, completely natural and unusual for a straight bot he doesn't mind giving a glimpse of that unplowed, virgin territory, his juicy, hairy, ass hole. There's something about a sexy, good looking guy, who's so comfortable in his own skin he doesn't mind stripping off for other guys, an air of confidence that is very attractive. But lets forget the poetry and ogle his hairy body, handsome face, big, uncircumcised dick and the cream on the pudding -- he shoots a thick, steaming load of spunk. You will love watching a sexy stud pop his porno cherry! Scrumptious!
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