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Being Watched Men at Play

Being Watched Men at Play

Flex is horny at home and pervs on his neighbours across the way using a telescope to get close in on what ever throbbing manflesh he can find. Lucky for him finance worker Enzo Rimenez is suited up and Ready to get back to the office. When Enzo gets the feeling he's being watched he plays up to the peeping tom giving him a cheeky flash of his cock to tease his horny neighbour over to his apartment. When Flex arrives Enzo dominates over him, using him to release his pent up sexual energy by having Flex suck on his suited cock while he sits back, has a drink and lets his naked neighbour work for a piece of this French stunner. Then Enzo loosens his tie and digs his tongue in to the twitching rim of Flex's muscled ass. Then as Flex gets pounded long and hard he must be thinking was he the hunter or the hunted?! Featuring Enzo Rimenez, Flex Xtremmo.
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