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Office Rivalry Men at Play

Office Rivalry Men at Play

Office rivalry escalates when Matthew Anders eagerly reveals to colleague Massimo Piano that he's just been offered position of senior tour manager at the headquarters of a successful record label. Massimo can't hide his disappointment at losing out on his dream job. Most average guys would resort to just begging Matthew to let him join the tour crew but Massimo is no average guy and as soon as he's alone with Matthew, Massimo uses the I'll scratch your back approach, turns on his charms and gently kisses Matthew's neck to make him slowly melt. That's probably all it would take to be honest but why waste an opportunity to play further with his sexy superior, so cocky chancer Massimo, drops to his knees unzips Matthew flies, and works him mouth over that pre-teased cock. Matthew gets hot under the collar and strips butt naked but cool calculating Matthew sits back fully suited allowing Matthew to ride his thick member. Featuring Massimo Piano, Matt Anders.
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