Jarrod and Liam Freshmen

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Title: Jarrod and Liam Freshmen
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Description: This week introduces our Home Video Special. As you will be seeing more of these, I feel it's useful to define Home Videos. In our case, it is usually model-generated content shot in real-time over the course of 20 to 60 minutes. Our thoughts our that what they lack in polish they will make up for in spontaneity and freshness. Plus, they act as a nice training ground for new cameramen. The first of these is shot by Kevin. Fortunately for him, Jarrod and Liam prove the ideal subjects for his experiment. Featuring Jarrod Lanvin, Liam Efron (aka David Hollister). From the web series: Home Videos. Original release date: January 3rd, 2018.
Category: Freshmen
Added: 2018-01-14

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