The Officer Men
Title: The Officer Men | Featured Men: | ||
Description: Vigilante Jawbreaker (Chuck Conrad) is back, and this time he's taking on a new target: the cops. When he brings a perp into the station and walks in on officer Felix Trainer fucking himself with a dildo, Jawbreaker compares his own girthy cock to the toy, and there's no contest! Felix's eyes widen as he sees how the hero's dick dwarfs his dildo, and he hurries to suck the real thing. The officer assumes the position as Jawbreaker pounds him from behind, then he rides the vigilante's nightstick and gets drilled behind his desk till he cums, before taking a facial. Full title: Jawbreaker: Cop Breeder. Featuring Chuck Conrad, Felix Trainor. From the web series: Jawbreaker. Original release date: October 14th, 2024. | |||
Category: Men | Added: 2024-11-03 | ||