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New Career Kristen Bjorn

New Career Kristen Bjorn

Toby, Leo and Lucas are all interviewing for a new career. Geoffrey has been conducting this extraordinary interview process and now takes it a very competitive level. This next level is to test Group Dynamics, such as Leadership, Guidance, Flexibility and Team Work. Our interviewers test the guys in the abilities to suck cock. Are they capable of taking guidance on how to suck a huge cock, are they flexible enough to swallow it all, do they take the lead in the group and do they work together on sucking huge cocks? Lucas moves into position to showcase all of his skills at once. Leo thrusts his dripping cock deep into Lucas' ass while Toby fucks his hungry mouth. Joe steps in and begins to eat Leo' hot ass before he begins punch fucking Lucas with his steel rod. Geoffrey also moves into position and fucks Lucas' mouth while sucking away at Leo's throbbing cock. Geoffrey is left with a difficult decision, all the candidates have proven themselves worthy, but which one stands out amongst the three? Could this possibly lead to another interview level? Featuring Toby Dutch, Lucas Fox, Leo Domenico, Geoffrey Paine, Joe Gunner (aka Joe Gunn). Full title: Headhunting - Chapter 6.
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  Title: New Career Kristen Bjorn

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