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Mirek Madl Massage Badpuppy

Mirek Madl Massage Badpuppy

Mirek Madl had never been to visit the Badpuppy masseur; but, today was a special day and it was time they were introduced. Mirek comes in and lies down on the bed and our hunky masseur comes in and kneels on the bed beside him. The masseur gently applies oil to Mirek's back and slowly massages his sore and tired muscles. Working his way down Mirek's back, the masseur gently pulls back Mirek's underwear and sensually applies the lotion to Mirek's hairy ass-globes. Reaching under Mirek, the masseur grabs Mirek's cock, pulls it back and begins massaging the tip as he works Mirek's hole. The masseur motions for Mirek to get up on his knees, exposing his tight and hairy asshole. Applying some more lotion; our masseur begins working between Mirek's ass with one hand and the other hand massaging Mirek's cock harder and harder. After a few minutes of loosening up Mirek's hole with his fingers the masseur grabs his long yellow probe and gently slides it into Mirek's tight ass giving his prostate a good deep massage as well. Finished with his ass-play Mirek rolls over on his back; the masseur applies a generous amount of lube to his hands and begins massaging/stroking Mirek's cock. Enjoying every stroke, Mirek's eye are rolled back in his head and as the anticipation builds he shoots his load of creamy cum all over his chest and cock as the masseur continues to jerk his cock. Original release date: April 29th, 2016.
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