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Do Not Tell Dad Naked Sword

Do Not Tell Dad Naked Sword

Still shaken up by seeing his dad (Trenton Ducati) fucking the ranch hands in the barn the night before, Beckett Ridge (Falcon Exclusive Jacob Peterson) isn't being himself and his cousin Ryder (Colton Grey) is the first to point it out. "I know you better than anyone else, I'm your cousin and your best friend -- what's up?" Ryder asks Beckett as their working on the fence. The two cousins sneak off to the walnut grove to talk. Ryder is not shocked by Beckett's secret, rather takes it as an opportunity for sexual discovery. What starts as an innocent kiss between cousins turns into smack-down cum explosive, hot sex. The cousins take turns sucking and fucking each other and discovering gay sex together -- why not keep it in the family? as the sun sets and the cum flies, cousin Beckett and cousin Ryder make a pact, "don't tell dad!"…too late. From the web series: Secrets and Lies. Full video title: Secrets and Lies: Scene 2 - Don't Tell Dad - Rock Candy Films. Original release date: October 11th, 2016. Produced by: Rock Candy Films.
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  Title: Do Not Tell Dad Naked Sword

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