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Sebastian Edwards First Dildo at English Lads

Sebastian Edwards First Dildo at English Lads

Sebastian comes onto set today, jumps on the bed, squeezes his cock through his jeans and is soon manhandling it while still mostly dressed. This handsome young man know how to tease us, he loves showing off his hairy body and today shows off his hairy hole not just looks good with his legs wide apart but looks even better when his hairy hole is plugged! He teases with his finger but it is not long before the small purple toy is up there and as always Sebastian is as hard as a rock, grinning cheekily at the camera and thoroughly enjoying his play with his very stiff uncut erection! Pumping his ass gently just leads to a nice big mess of sum all over his hairy abs! Lovely mess.
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  Title: Sebastian Edwards First Dildo at English Lads

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