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Simon Gilmore ChaosMen

Simon Gilmore ChaosMen

Simon is full on gay guy who has a pretty mundane day job. Some nights he dances at clubs for extra cash, and everyone is always telling him he should do porn. He was looking for something more exciting to do. He has a great body from years of gymnastics and is also pretty darn flexible. Simon says he doesn't work out, but is "coasting" on the build he got from gymnastics. Grrr! Simon has a lot of tats, but I dunno, I think they are kind of cool looking on him, and with his bald head and mixed-heritage, it makes him all the more exotic looking. He has big whopper of a cock on him, though he says he likes to be dominated and fucked however the guy wants him. His cock pre-cums a lot and he plays and licks up the juice in the video. Simon's load is amazing and must have tasted good as he drizzled it into his mouth! Featuring Simon Gilmore. Original release date: November 26th, 2012.
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