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Bennett ChaosMen

Bennett ChaosMen

Bennett has a hot tight body, from dance and gymnastics. He definitely likes the guys, and loves to suck and sit on dick. In particular, he has a thing for white skinny twinks with big dicks when he watches porn. But in the real world, he is into all kinds of guys. I think the 'big dick' part still holds. He is a professional Bottom after all! He is a mix of Haitian and West Indies descent, giving him beautiful skin and a big bubble-but that demands attention. He gives one of the best ass show-casing in both the photos and the video, so Tops will be super pleased. Bennett is a sweet guy. Easy going, but a little self-conscious. He gets anxious about his appearance and life in general. Despite that, he was calm and relaxed for the solo, and really enjoyed putting on a show for us. His cum shot is tremendous too! Huge streams of white cum shoot out like a fountain, covering his stomach! Featuring Bennett. Original release date: August 28th, 2017.
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