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Teaching Guy Bear Films

Teaching Guy Bear Films

Joe Hardness is teaching Guy English some extremely useful expressions while on break. When Sam Wyze walks in, curious about what's happening between the real-life couple, Guy is quick to repeat the phrase, Eat my ass. Sam is quick to agree and the next thing you know, the clothes are flying as the three big and beefy men strip down. There's some noisy slurping as they all take turns sucking cock. Joe and Guy spit-roast and tag team fuck Sam, who is so heated up he asks them to slow down at one point. But the horny, bearded bastards just keep on going. And just wait until you see Part 2, where two other soldiers join in on the fun. If these are the type of military maneuvers we can expect, we're on our way to the recruiting center! Featuring Guy English, Joe Hardness, Sam Wyze.
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