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Ashton Rush and Jayden Ellis Bulldog Pit

Ashton Rush and Jayden Ellis Bulldog Pit

Ashton Rush was in the middle of finals and looking for a break. Jayden Ellis just happened to have some time on his hands so this scene came together quickly. You could feel the anticipation the moment these two met. It was obvious they were both horny and very much looking forward to some hot nasty sex. In fact, the entire crew was turned on just thinking about what was about to happen! The two of them went at it like a true lovers' first kiss. Jayden slowly worked his way down Ashton's shirtless chest and before he knew it, Jayden had Ashton completely naked so they could take turns sucking each other off. Ashton was ready to receive Jayden so he climbed up on the arm of the chair and opened his legs for Jayden's big hard cut cock. The boys fucked the cum out of each other ending with the guys both taking loads in their mouths and then sharing it. Guess we shouldn't have been surprised when the two lovebirds took off for a little romp on the west coast after we were finished. Featuring Ashton Rush, Jayden Ellis. Original release date: March 29th, 2017.
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