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Luis Casola and Jay Ricci Alpha Male Fuckers

Luis Casola and Jay Ricci Alpha Male Fuckers

Thick-hung Italian leather daddy Jay Ricci mentioned to us that he had a big bad-ass fuck buddy interested in playing with in front of the camera. We were a bit nervous as sometimes first timers can be fickle to the say least. But when they day came and Luis Casola showed up before Jay, we knew we had a hot one. Jay arrived shortly after and the energy between them was intense. To make it last longer, and to increase that intensity, we suggested Jay tie Luis to the St. Andrews Cross, which made Jay super hard but made Luis even harder. It certainly added to the build up of penetration, getting them ready for a fuck at Fort Lauderdale's Inn Leather, which in itself was explosive! Featuring Luis Casola, Jay Ricci. Original release date: September 11th, 2017.
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