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Cord Bulldog Pit

Cord Bulldog Pit

One afternoon, while hanging out with nothing to do -- a rarity! -- Cord popped up on Grindr. One look at his sweet baby face and we knew we had to get in touch with him. So we reached out and said hello, to see what came up. One thing led to another and the next thing you know, he was at a doorstop. We don't think we need to tell you what came up, especially since he was already half hard as he walked through the threshold, sat down and laid back. It took him little coaxing to strip and start jerking off as he was already raring to go. When he was good and ready, Cord threw his legs up in the air, his cock as close to his face as possible. With perfect aim, Cord shot a thick stream of cum right into his own mouth, gargling a bit with the load before swallowing it all down. Yum! Featuring Cord. Original release date: September 11th, 2017.
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