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Bo Connor Active Duty

Bo Connor Active Duty

Bo wanted to have an adventure before he gets shipping out to some part of the world. He contacts AD and we decided to give him a shot and see if he has what it takes to be an AD soldier. He has a very nice thick cock with great length. He has a few tattoos but just the right amount so it's not overbearing and he has the perfect amount of hair. Bo makes look like your average next door type of guy but he has a secret in that he can only cum in a specific kind of way which you will find out at the very end of the scene. Bo grips his cock and soon enough you can see just how much girth he has on that hard dick. He likes to look in at the camera as he plays with his cock. Bo begins to fuck a towel on the carpet. He grinds it hard for a few seconds and that's all it takes as he pops right up onto his knees and blasts his load all over the floor. Featuring Bo Connor. Original release date: October 11th, 2017.
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