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Ryan and Spencer Active Duty

Ryan and Spencer Active Duty

Ryan introduces Spencer and right after that Ryan is down on his knees sucking on Spencer's big fat cock. Ryan loves to be gagged as he forces that thick cock deep down his throat. Spencer has never had his cock sucked by a man but the look on his face he loves the feeling of a man's mouth. Spencer's cock is hard and ready as Ryan bends over for him and he slowly pushes into him. Spencer has never had his cock inside a man yet he thrusts deep into Ryan as if it wasn't his first. Spencer spreads his legs wide and fucks him hard letting his balls slap. Spencer moves Ryan all over the bed to get the full experience of fucking a sweet man like Ryan. Ryan moans with pleasure but how long will his tight small hole last with that thick cock tearing him up. Spencer pulls his fat cock out and has Ryan get on his knees as he blows his load all over Ryan's eager face covering every inch and soon after Ryan lets lose his load. Featuring Ryan Jordan, Spencer Laval. Original release date: January 28th, 2018.
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