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Perfect Fit Fuckermate

Perfect Fit Fuckermate

Our fans have been asking us for this encounter out loud and so we have satisfied them this week: our hot Latin stud Louis Ricaute is back with us to meet one of our best tops in recent times, the beloved Camilo Uribe from Colombia. Louis wakes up in his bed and sees Camilo arriving by his side, wearing only his underwear and already horny, like he was still dreaming. In a matter of seconds our dominant top offers his huge dick to Louis' eager mouth for a long session of licking and deep sucking, that Camilo then repays with a masterful rimming. Keeping the hole spread, Camilo rubs his giant thick cock all over Louis asshole and then pushes it deep inside the fuckable ass for a perfect fit. The groans of the hairy Latin receiving such quantity of meat speak for themselves and make Camilo even harder. Such fuck can only end with a facial shot of fresh cum and that is just what Luis will receive as a reward! Featuring Camilo Uribe, Louis Ricaute. Original release date: March 1st, 2018.
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