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Ryan and Jerome Gay Massage Table

Ryan and Jerome Gay Massage Table

Ryan was experimenting different ways to meet cute new boys, and thought a massage table in the middle of the woods where pretty gay boys were known to hook up was the perfect thing. Before he knew it, sweet little Jerome was lying on his table, offering up his gorgeous body for Ryan's supple hands. Ryan knew the power of his sensual hands, and wasn't surprised when Jerome quickly got aroused and let him touch and fondle his cock and balls. He got even more turned on when Jerome started sucking him softly at first, and then with an urgency that said they needed to take things much further and soon. Jerome leaned back to take Ryan into his soft, wet mouth and give Ryan's dick a different kind of massage altogether. He liked that Jerome could deep-throat his fat cock and was presenting his ass for him. Jerome lifted his legs high in the air for a good missionary fuck, and gasped in delight as Ryan entered his throbbing asshole. Ryan's big muscles flex and strain as his hips buck into Jerome, and ecstasy is all over his face as he plunges into Jerome's sacred hole. They switched back and forth between missionary and side fucking, with Jerome savoring every moment of having his ass filled with hard cock and feeling his own hands fervently jerking his meat. Pleasure exploded in his body as he spurted cum all over himself, soon followed by Ryan's hot load onto his skin. Featuring Ryan Cage, Jerome Fisher. Original release date: March 10th, 2018.
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