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Lucas Johnson Next Door Male

Lucas Johnson Next Door Male

Lucas Johnson is all about bodybuilding and it's his life's mission to be the best at it. He enters contests regularly and even found out through some injuries that he doesn't have an ACL. He is motivated by the drive to live and better himself in any way possible. He has business ventures with a major player that he hopes will be fruitful. After Lucas opened up to us he began to undress slowly and he started to talk to seduce the camera with his words. He loves to talk dirty and he does throughout the scene as he strokes his hard cock. His body is well built and he wanted us to show off all his features which we did. His outspoken demeanor and confidence is extremely sexy as you watch him masturbate every inch of his throbbing cock until he releases his built up load. Featuring Lucas Johnson. Original release date: May 22nd, 2018.
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  Title: Lucas Johnson Next Door Male

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