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Milo Hearst Active Duty

Milo Hearst Active Duty

Milo Hearst has one amazingly built body with his abs in perfect formation and his smooth tanned skin looks flawless. He spends lots of time at the gym working on that physique and once he dropped all his clothes you can see his hard thick cock ready for stroking. He has smooth shaved balls and uses two hands to stroke his hard dick. He likes to thrust up and into his hands fast and hard while he masturbates. Milo is a big fan of edging himself so the closer he gets to cumming he'll slow it all down until he's ready to start stroking his big dick fast again. Milo has a great bubble butt and his well-built thighs look menacing as he stands tall stroking every inch of his hard shaft. He has a great smile and he loves to look at his chest while he plays with his dick. You can hear the sounds of the lube as he strokes and slaps his dicks around on his chest. His balls have finally come to a point where he can't hold his nut in any longer and he unleashes his load all over the floor shooting loads of cum all over the place. His dick is so sensitive that he has to stop touching it and as he does you can see his cock throb and twitch side to side. Featuring Milo Hearst. Original release date: July 11th, 2018.
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