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Donnie Massage SpunkWorthy

Donnie Massage SpunkWorthy

Donnie was, as he admitted, pretty nervous about doing a happy-ending massage shoot. That much was obvious even before the cameras were rolling. He'd never done anything with a guy before, so we were breaking some new boundaries. But, as he explained it, he's comfortable with his body and figured that trying something new, like this, was par for the course in the porn world. I liked his attitude. And, apparently, Donnie was more on board than maybe even he realized. At least his cock was which was growing stiffer by the second as soon as he lay on the massage table. Donnie had quite the handful to work with. Two handfuls, to be exact. As I made my way across his body and slowly teasing his shaft, Donnie's body quivered, as if he was fighting back cumming to soon. It was hot to see this young straight guy lose control so soon. Once the end game was in mind, it barely took much to push Donnie up the edge. He was a quiet one and the cumshot was a sneaker. With the slightest movements of his hips, pushing his cock into my hands, Donnie let loose at load that splattered his furry stomach. Featuring Donnie. Original release date: December 7th, 2017.
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