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Robin and Martin Twinks in Shorts

Robin and Martin Twinks in Shorts

Robin Few and Martin Love take a break from cleaning the warehouse for a bit of fun. Jock and twink feel each other up and make out before taking turns sucking cock. Martin shows off his strength and agility, impressing Robin further with his rimming techniques before sliding his juicy, uncut cock home. The twink, hungry for more, takes everything Martin has to give him, enjoying the sweet pleasure pain racking his body. Martin is inventive in the way he fucks Robin, eventually rewarding the twink with an explosive load and cum facial. Hungry Robin greedily swallows before unloading himself. Martin slurps and tastes the delicious twink juices and savors the taste with his fuck buddy. Featuring Robin Few, Martin Love. Original release date: December 21st, 2017.
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