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Dylan Bulldog Pit

Dylan Bulldog Pit

Tall, slender and smooth Dylan shows off a slender twink-like body with big round nipples and a delicious cock. He's a bit on the nerdy side and capitalizes on that look everywhere he goes, choosing to wear glasses although he has contact lenses. But don't let appearances fool you. Dylan is as nasty as the day is long. His motto? Ask for permission or ask for forgiveness, which means he spends a lot of time asking for forgiveness! Jumping in front of the camera to show off his cock is only one of the many things he's recently asked for forgiveness. He spread out on the coffee table and proceeded to get naked before taking his cock in hand and teasing himself, as well as the rest of us. Dylan took his sweet time and confessed he didn't want his scene to end because he loves being naked and at the center of attention. He did his best, edging as long as he could but all good things must come to and end, and so must sexy twinks come. Like Dylan. Which he did. Come that, is. He milked out a load of cum while straddling the coffee table, leaving a bit of a mess for us to clean up. Oh, the pity! Featuring Dylan. Original release date: December 11th, 2017.
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  Title: Dylan Bulldog Pit

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