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JJ and Johnny ChaosMen

JJ and Johnny ChaosMen

Johnny had mentioned previous play with guys but said he had not sucked cock before. I set him up with JJ Smitts for a side-by-side jerk-off to see how he would do. Both guys intently watch the video playing for them, getting their cocks hard. I knew JJ would take the first initiative, reaching over and jerking his buddy, then sliding down to suck his cock. Johnny has a wry smile on his face as he can't believe a dude is sucking on his dick. Then it was time for him to suck on JJ, and he dives right in. Not the most skillful cocksucker, but enthusiastic. They take turns giving each other head. Both guys said they could easily ramp-up to cum, so I had them see if they could time their cum shots at the exact same time. JJ was first to get close so he edged a bit, but as soon as Johnny gave him the go ahead, they both exploded onto each other's cocks! Such great timing! Featuring JJ Smitts, Johnny Dees. Original release date: July 25th, 2018.
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