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Cole Weston Active Duty

Cole Weston Active Duty

Cole Weston is a sexy soldier with a few tattoos and a great looking cock. His skin is tan and he has golden hair all over his smooth yet furry body. He has a very nice mix of body hair with great full balls and a mean hard sexy dick ready for some elite action. He loves to sprawl out on our couch and spread his legs as he strokes his extremely hard cock. His dick is full of veins that any vet would love to wrap their mouths around. Cole has some great muscular thighs that really show off when he is standing and masturbating. You can hear the lube as he slides his hand up and down his throbbing shaft. Cole loves to lick his lips as he gazes into the camera from time to time. Sadly the time has come for those sweet big balls to be released as he calls out to the camera letting us know he's about to bust and with a few more strokes of that beautiful cock he erupts like a volcano spewing his hot juicy cum all over himself and his big throbbing dick. Featuring Cole Weston. Original release date: August 22nd, 2018.
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