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Hurricane Facials Colby Knox

Hurricane Facials Colby Knox

Scotty Knox and Colby Chambers were supposed to be filming a scene inside today but there seems to be a hurricane barring down on them. Instead of just rescheduling they decided to embrace the storm and just go with it. Colby sets the couch up just inside the garage but perfect to view the storm. This way he can watch the wind blow while getting his fat cock sucked on. Scotty is ass up and ready for the beating of his life but still talking shit like always. Colby Spanks his naked asscheeks until they are bright red and makes Scotty beg for mercy. Then He makes Scotty suck his dick while he enjoys the storm. After a few minutes Colby can't take it anymore and blows his load right in Scotty's mouth. Featuring Scotty Knox, Colby Chambers. Original release date: December 5th, 2018.
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