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Thomas Serviced SpunkWorthy

Thomas Serviced SpunkWorthy

This shoot took some time and effort to make happen. When Thomas first showed up on the site, Dixon had sent a text message saying that he would love to blow him. At the time, though, Thomas wasn't quite ready to make the leap into doing anything with another guy. Even after his massage video, Thomas was a tough nut to crack. Until he got hit with a big car repair bill. And suddenly the stars had aligned. Dixon, for his part, was ready to roll at a moment's notice. Thomas showed up a bit nervous about the prospect of a guy sucking him off. As Dixon peeled off Thomas' jeans, the look on his (Thomas') face was classic deer-in-the-headlights. It didn't take long before he realized that the BJ was going to be better than he expected. He grabbed the back of Dixon's head and guided him down his shaft while staring intently at the work being done on his cock. If you go back and watch Thomas' solo you'll hear him mentioned getting rimmed by a girl once. He wasn't a fan of it, so it came as a surprise when he said he wanted to give it another try. Dixon's eyes lit up as he bent Thomas over and dove into Thomas' bubble butt. He tore off his own shorts and started jerking off while licking his hole. The cumshot snuck up on Thomas; it was lucky that I had the cameras ready. While Dixon was going to town to get Thomas up to the edge, Thomas suddenly grabbed his cock with a look of, Oh, shit on his face. He pulled his dick out of Dixon's mouth and proceeded to blow a load onto his abs and Dixon's face. Featuring Thomas, Dixon. Original release date: December 7th, 2018.
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  Title: Thomas Serviced SpunkWorthy

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