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His Hung Master Young Bastards

His Hung Master Young Bastards

Gabriel Phoenix has total control of naked twink boy Johannes Lars, strapped down and blindfolded, scared of what's to come. The handsome hunk dominates the bound boy on the table, using that tight little butt for his own entertainment, flogging and spanking the lad, licking out his twitching pucker and fucking him with fingers and his solid baton. With the twink boy's hole wet and aching the master removes the leather blindfold so the boy can see what he's sucking, feeding the twink his engorged and dripping man meat, making him gag on his experienced fuckstick. The juicy taste of precum slips down the boys throat while Gabriel returns to the boy's previously innocent hole, sliding his cock deep inside and fucking the young captive hard, using his twink slave ass for his own pleasure until semen is spewing out of his throbbing boner all over his shamed prisoner. Featuring Gabriel Phoenix, Johannes Lars. Original release date: November 20th, 2018.
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