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Happy Ending Colby Knox

Happy Ending Colby Knox

After a nice long workout there is nothing better than a good rub-down. Mickey Knox has been hitting the gym extra hard this week and needs someone to relieve his tension. He calls his good friend Vincent OReilly to help him out. Vincent has been perfecting the art for years and is confident he can get Mickey back in the gym in no time. Vincent starts by rubbing Mickeys back and shoulders before asking him to flip over so he can rub on his chest. When Mickey flips over his cock is bursting through his thin undies. Vincent tries not to take it there but he just can't help himself. He starts pulling Mickey's underwear down and is pleased when he sees Mickeys fat cock flop out. Vincent knows it's time to strike fast, Mickey is horny and ready to explode, so he starts to suck his cock. After a few minutes Mickey is hungry for more. He wants to eat Vincent's hole then slam his cock inside it. He wants to fill Vincent with a three day load and watch as he cums from getting fucked hard. Like two animals in the wild they go at it. Mickey even picks Vincent up in mid fuck to change positions. No time to take it out, just stands straight up with it still inside his tight hole. He throws Vincent down on the couch and immediately starts pounding away at his beautiful ass. As if they had done it a thousand times before the two of them explode all over the place. This week's Gay Porn release by Colby Knox is one of the best yet. The two models are crazy for each other and their chemistry is on point. If you only have time to watch one scene today, I highly recommend this be the one. Featuring Vincent OReilly, Mickey Knox. Original release date: January 17th, 2019.
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