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Introducing Jason Peter Fever

Introducing Jason Peter Fever

Handsome Filipino mix Jason Wolf has gorgeous piercing eyes, full lips and a thick dick framed by downy pubes. His first gay thoughts and experiences revolved around high school gym classes and sports, so it's no surprise that he is turned on by muscular, fit guys who work out. He's attracted to the interesting mix at Peter Fever of the Asian models and their fuck buddies of all races and backgrounds. Sitting at a sunny patio chair, Jason reaches into his shorts to fondle his dick and balls. He wriggles out of them to begin stroking. His cock has a beautiful mushroom head, and his nuts are full and large. He has that important quality of peering straight into the camera, creating a mood that he's looking directly at you and sharing his pleasure. Jason's legs are muscular and hairy, like a young athlete. He cups his hand around his tool as he makes love to it. When he smiles sweet dimples show in his sculpted cheeks. He runs a hungry tongue across his full lips as his sex drive kicks up a gear. It's getting close to blastoff. His hips pump up into each stroke, and his nuts pull up close and tight. A huge load cums rocketing out to coat his dick and drip own onto his smooth belly. Jason sighs in satisfaction and relief. Original release date: January 25th, 2019.
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  Title: Introducing Jason Peter Fever

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